MATH 221 Lecture 15

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 6 August 2012

Lecture 15

A function f(x) is continuous at x=a if it doesn't jump at x=a,

i.e. if lim x a f(x) = f(a)

a x y y=f(x)
Not continuous at x=a.

Think about

df dx x=a = lim Δx 0 f a+Δx - f(a) Δx

in terms of the graph

x y a+Δx a f(a+Δx) f(a) y=f(x) lim Δx 0 f a+Δx - f(a) Δx = change inf change inx = riserun = slope of line connecting = a f(a) and a+Δx f a+Δx

lim Δx 0 f a+Δx - f(a) Δx = slope of f at the point x=a.

A function f(x) differentiable at x=a if the derivative df dx x=a exists,
i.e. if the slope of the graph of f(x) at x=a exists.

Example: Graph f(x) = |x| = x , if x0 , -x , if x0 ,

x y 1 1 -1


df dx | x=a = { 1 , if a>0 , -1 , if a<0 , does not exist , if a=0 ,

So f is not differentiable at x=0.

Example: Graph y=x13

x y -1 1 -1 1 y=x3 x y -1 1 -1 1 y=x13

(a) y=x13 is the same as y3=x. is a basic circle of radius 1

dy dx = 13 x -23 = 1 3x23

So dy dx | x=0 = . So f(x) is  not  differentiable at x=0 .

A function f(x) is increasing at x=a if it is going up at x=a,
i.e. if f(a+Δx) > f(x) for all small Δx>0,
i.e. if the slope of f(x) at x=a is positive,
i.e. if df dx | x=a >0 .

x y a+Δx a f(a+Δx) f(a) y=f(x) increasing at x=a x y a+Δx a f(a+Δx) f(a) y=f(x) decreasing at x=a

A function f(x) is decreasing at x=a if it is going down at x=a,
i.e. if f(a+Δx) < f(x) for all small Δx>0,
i.e. if the slope of f(x) at x=a is negative,
i.e. if df dx | x=a <0 .

f is concave up at x=a if it is right side up bowl shaped x=a,
i.e. if the slope of f is getting larger at x=a,
i.e. if dfdx is increasing at x=a,
i.e. if d2f dx2 | x=a >0 .

f is concave down at x=a if it is upside down bowl shaped x=a,
i.e. if the slope of f is getting smaller at x=a,
i.e. if dfdx is decreasing at x=a,
i.e. if d2f dx2 | x=a <0 .

A point of inflection is a point where f changes from concave up to concave down, or from concave down to concave up.

x y p a1 a2 concave up at x=a1 point of inflection concave down at x=a1

A local maximum is a point x=a where f(a) is bigger then the f(x) around it.

A local minimum is a point x=a where f(a) is smaller then the f(x) around it.
i.e. f(a) < f(a+Δx) for small Δx .

x y a1 a2 a3 a4 local maximum at x=a1 local minimum at x=a2 local maximum at x=a3 local minimum at x=a4

A critical point is a point where a maximum or minimum might occur.

(1) If f(x) is continuous and differentiable and x=a is a maximum then
df dx | x=a = 0 and d2f dx2 | x=a < 0
(2) If f(x) is continuous at x=a, f(x) is differentiable at x=a,
df dx | x=a = 0 and d2f dx2 | x=a > 0 then
x=a is a minimum.

Where can a maximum or minimum occur?
(a) A point x=a where f(x) is differentiable and df dx | x=a = 0 .
x y a
(b) A point x=a where f(x) is not continuous.

x y 1 2 3 1 2 f(x) = { x2+1 , if 0x1 , 2-x , if x>1 , x=1 is a maximum

(c) A point x=a on the boundary of where f(x) is defined.

x y 1 2 3 1 2 f(x) = { x2+1 , if 0x1 , 2-x , if x>1 , x=0 is a minimum

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of lecture notes given by Arun Ram on October 11, 2000.

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