Introduction to Categories

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 14 September 2012


A category is

  1. a collection of objects 𝒞,
  2. for each X,Y𝒞 a set Hom(X,Y) of morphisms,
  3. for each X,Y,Z 𝒞 a function
Hom(X,Y) ×Hom(Y,Z) Hom(X,Z) (f,g) gf such that
  1. if f Hom(X,Y), gHom(Y,Z) and h Hom(Z,W) then h(gf) =(hg) f,
  2. If X𝒞 then there exists idX Hom(X,X) such that
    1. if f Hom(X,Y) then fidX =f and
    2. if fHom(W,X) then idXf =f.

A functor from 𝒞 to 𝒟 is a collection of functions F:𝒞𝒟 and F:Hom(X,Y) Hom(FX, FY), for X,Y𝒞, such that

  1. If fHom(X,Y) and gHom(Y,Z) then F(gf) =F(g) F(f).
  2. If X𝒞 then F(idX) =idF(X) .

A contravariant functor from 𝒞 to 𝒟 is a collection of functions F:𝒞𝒟 and F: Hom(X,Y) Hom(FY,FX) for X,Y𝒞 such that

  1. If f Hom(X,Y) and g Hom(Y,Z) then F(gf) =F(f) F(g) ,
  2. If X𝒞 then F(idX) =idF(X) .

A full functor is a functor F:𝒞𝒟 such that if X,Y𝒞 then F:Hom(X,Y) Hom(FX,FY) is surjective.

A faithful functor is a functor F: 𝒞𝒟 such that if X,Y𝒞 then F:Hom(X,Y) Hom(FX,FY) is injective.

An equivalence of categories is a pair of functors F:𝒞𝒟 and G:𝒟𝒞 with natural isomorphisms id𝒞 GF and id𝒟 FG.

A full subcategory of 𝒞 is a subcategory 𝒮𝒞 such that the inclusion 𝒮𝒞 is full.

A terminal object is Y𝒞 such that if X𝒞 then there exists a unique fHom(X,Y) .

An initial object is X𝒞 such that if Y𝒞 then there exists a unique fHom(X,Y) .

A null object is 0𝒞 such that 0is both initial and terminal.

A split monic is a monic ι: AB such that there exists a left inverse r: BA.

A split epi is an epi EpB such that there exists a right inverse s: BE.


A category 𝒞 is a collection of objects and morphisms, with composition maps Hom𝒞(X,Y) × Hom𝒞(Y,Z) Hom𝒞 (X,Z) (f,g) gf for which associativity holds and identities exist (if X,Y and Z are objects of 𝒞 then there exists an identity morphism idX:X X such that idX f=f for all f:YX and gidX =g for all g: XZ).


GroupsGroup homomorphisms
RingsRing homomorphisms
Vector spacesLinear transformations
Abelian groups-modulehomomorphisms
Topological spacesContinuous functions
ManifoldsSmooth maps
Complex manifoldsHolomorphic maps
AlgebrasHomomorphisms of algebras
Lie algebrasLie algebra homomorphisms
VarietiesMorphisms of varieties
Affine varietiesRegular functions
SchemesMorphisms of schemes
Affine schemesMorphisms of schemes
SheavesMorphisms of sheaves
Vector bundlesMorphisms of vector bundles
Principal bundlesMorphisms of principal bundles
FunctorsNatural transformations
ComplexesChain maps
Homotopy categoryChain maps
Derived categoryMorphisms

The category of categories

The category of categories has

Let 𝒜 and be sets of objects. A functor is a map which takes objects to objects and morphisms to morphisms : 𝒜 M (M) and : Hom𝒜(M,N) Hom ((M), (N)) f (f) such that (idM) = id(M) and (f1 f2) =(f1) (f2) .

Example. Let A and B be algebras with AB (e.g. A=S3 and B=S4). Let 𝒜 be the category of A-modules and be the category of B-modules. Then induction is a functor IndAB: 𝒜-mod -mod M BAM with IndAB(f) : BAM BAN bm bf(m) if f:MN is an A-module homomorphism.

The category of functors

Let 𝒜 and be categories. The category of functors from 𝒜 to has

A natural transformation ϕ:𝒢 is a collection of morphisms {ϕM: (M) 𝒢(M) | M𝒜} such that if f:MN then the following diagram commutes. (M) (f) (N) ϕM ϕN 𝒢(M) 𝒢(f) 𝒢(N)

Example. An additive category is a category 𝒜 such that Hom𝒜(M,N) is an abelian group and there is a 0 object in 𝒜 and direct sums MN exist in 𝒜.

A 2-category is a category 𝒜 such that Hom𝒜(M,N) is a category and there is a 0 object in 𝒜 and direct sums MN exist in 𝒜.

The category of categories is an example of a 2-category.

Example of a category of functors

Let X be a topological space with topology 𝒯. The topology 𝒯 is a category with

Let 𝒞 be the category of commutative rings with identity. A presheaf (of commutative rings) on X is a contravariant functor : 𝒯𝒞. A morphism of presheaves is a morphism of functors to 𝒢.

The category of presheaves is the category of functors 𝒯op𝒞.

The category of complexes

Let 𝒜 be a abelian category (e.g. 𝒜 is the category of A-modules). The category Kom(𝒜) of complexes over 𝒜 has

A complex M over 𝒜 is a sequence of morphisms Mi di Mi+1 di+1 with di+1 di =0. i.e. a -graded A-module M with a map d: MM with degd=1 and degd2=0. A chain map f:MN is a collection of morphisms {fi: MiNi | i} such that

Mi Ni Mi+1 Ni+1 di fi di+1 fi+1



Elements of the category Kom( Kom(𝒜)) look like

Mij+1 Mij Mi+1j+1 Mi+1j xij+1 yij xij yi+1j

Let 𝒜 be an abelian category (i.e. Hom𝒜(X, Y) are abelian groups, there exists a 0 object and direct sums XY).

The totalization functor tot: Kom(Kom(𝒜)) Kom(𝒜) is given by

Mij+1 Mij Mi+1j+1 Mi+2j Mi+1j Mi+1j-1 x+y tot(M)=


An abelian category is a category 𝒜 such that Hom𝒜 (M,N) are abelian groups, there exists a 0 object and direct sums MN and kernels and cokernels exist.

Let 𝒜 be an abelian category and let Kom(𝒜) be the category of complexes over 𝒜 M=( Mi di Mi+1 ) with di+1 di =0. The cohomology of a complex (M,d) is H(M) = Z(M) B(M) , where Z(M)=kerd and B(M)=imd and H(f): H(M) H(M) [c] [f(c)] , if f:MN is a morphism in Kom(𝒜).

The derived category D(𝒜)

Let 𝒜 be an abelian category, let Kom(𝒜) be the category of complexes over 𝒜, and let H(M) be the cohomology of a complex M.

A quasiisomorphism is a morphism f:MN in Kom(𝒜) such that H(f: H(M) H(N)) is an isomorphism.

The derived category of 𝒜 is the category D(𝒜) with a functor Q: Kom(𝒜) D(𝒜) such that

  1. if f is a quasiisomorphism then Q(f) is an isomorphism, and
  2. if F:Kom(𝒜) 𝒞 is a functor that takes quasiisomorphisms to isomorphisms then there exists a unique functor F: D(𝒜)𝒞 such that

    Kom(𝒜) 𝒞 D(𝒜) Q F F~

The homotopy category

Let 𝒜 be an abelian category and Kom(𝒜) the category of complexes over 𝒜. Let M and N be objects of Kom(𝒜). A homotopy between morphisms f: MN and g: MN is a collection of morphisms { hi: Mi Ni+1 | i} such that fi-gi =hi+1 di +di-1 hi.

HW: Show that if f and g are homotopic then H(f) =H(g).

The homotopy category Ho(𝒜) has

Notes and References

These notes originated from a presentation in a working seminar at University of Melbourne, 12 November 2009.


[KL] M. Khovanov and A. Lauda, A diagrammatic approach to categorification of quantum groups I, Representation Theory 13 (2009), 309–347. MR2525917

[Ro] R. Rouquier, 2 Kac-Moody algebras, arXiv:08125023

[MH] A. Mathas and J. Hu, arXiv:0907.2985

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