U ˜ 0 : The form, the quantum Serre relations, and the quantum double

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 12 April 2011

The Hopf algebras U ˜ 0 and U ˜ 0

1.1 Let I be an infinite set and let Q= iI i be the free abelian group generated by the set I. Let Q be the free abelian group generated by the set I. Let , be a valued bilineare pairing between Q and Q.

1.2 Let U ˜ 0 be the Hopf algebra over q with generators Ei, iI, Kμ, μQ, and relations K0=1, KλKμ= Kλ+μ, KμEi= q μ , i EiKμ, iI,μQ. and with coproduct given by ΔKμ= KμKμ, ΔEi= Ei1+KiEi.

1.3 U ˜ 0 be the Hopf algebra over q with generators Fi,iI, K μ , μQ, and relations K 0 =1, K λ K μ = K λ+μ , K μ Fi= q -μ , i Fi K μ , iI,μQ, and with coproduct given by Δ K μ = K μ K μ , ΔFi= Fi K -i + 1Fi.

1.4 Δx= x x(1) K x(2) x(2), Δy= y y(1) K -y(1) y(2).

1.5 ΔE(p)= t+t=p qtt Ei(t) Ktt Ei(t), ΔF(p)= t+t=p qtt Fi(t) Kti Fi(t)

1.6 ϵKμ=1, ϵEi=0, ϵ K μ = 1, ϵFi=0, SKμ= K-μ, SEi=? S K μ = K -μ , SFi=?? S-1 Kμ=K-μ, S-1 Ei= -EiK-i, S K μ = K -μ , SFi= - K i Fi.

The form

2.1 We would like to identify U ˜ 0 with the Hopf algbra U ˜ 0 coop

There is a unique bilinear pairing U ˜ 0 × U ˜ 0 q given by Ei , Fj = -δij q-q-1 , x , y1y2 = Δx , y1y2 , x1x2 , Δy = x1x2 , y .


The radical of the form ,

3.1 Let + and - be the left and right radicals of the form , respectively: += x U ˜ 0 x , y =0,  for all  y U ˜ 0 , -= y U ˜ 0 x , y =0  for all  x U ˜ 0 . Then

(1)   + U ˜ 0 =0 .
(2)   + is a graded vector space.
(3)   + is an ideal.
(4)   + is a coideal.


3.2 The quantum Serre relations are in te ideal +.


The double

4.1 The following relations are determined by the definition of the multiplication in D U ˜ 0 : EiFj- FjEi= Ki- K -i q-q-1 , Kλ , K μ = K μ Kλ, KμFi= q- μ , i FiKμ, K μ Ei= q μ , i Ei K μ .

4.2 Let U˜ = D U ˜ 0 /J where J is the ideal generated by the relations Kμ= K μ . Clearly this ideal is also a coideal. Thus U˜ is a Hopf algebra with generators Ei, Fi, Kμ, which satisfy the relations K0=1, KλKμ= Kλ+μ, KμEi= q μ , i EiKμ, iI,μQ, KμFi= q - μ , i FiKμ, iI,μQ, EiFj- FjEi= Ki- K -i q-q-1 , and has coproduct given by ΔKμ= KμKμ, ΔEi= Ei1+ KiEi, ΔFi= FiK-i+ 1Fi. The triangular decomposition shows that this is a presentation of U ˜ .

4.3 The map Φ: U ˜ U0 D U ˜ 0 KμKν Kμ+ν K -ν Ei1 Ei Fi1 Fi is a homomorphism of algebras.

Notes and References


[DRV] Z. Daugherty, A. Ram, and R. Virk, Affine and graded BMW algebras, in preparation.

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