Finite fields

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 13 June 2011

Finite fields

Let m and n be positive integers. Let R be a ring.

For p>0 prime let 𝔽p be the field /p and let 𝔽p be the algebraic closure of 𝔽p. The map F is a field homomorphism since
(x+y)p = xp+yp and (xy)p = xpyp in characteristicp.

(a)   The function
{finite fields} {pk | p>0 is prime, k>0 } 𝔽 Card(𝔽)
is a bijection.
(b)   The finite field 𝔽pk with pk elements is given by
𝔽pk is the extension of 𝔽p of degree k,      𝔽pk = {α 𝔽p | αpk -α=0 } ,      𝔽pk = ( 𝔽p )Fk .

HW: Show that 𝔽4= 𝔽2[t]/( t2+t+1) since t4-t =t(t-1) ( t2+t+1) and give the complete multiplication table of 𝔽4= {a,b,c,d}.

(a)   Every finite integral domain is a field.
(a)   Every finite division ring is a field.

Sketches of proofs

(a)   The function
{finite fields} {pk | p>0 is prime, k>0 } 𝔽 Card(𝔽)
is a bijection.
(b)   The finite field 𝔽pk with pk elements is given by
𝔽pk is the extension of 𝔽p of degree k,      𝔽pk = {α 𝔽p | αpk -α=0 } ,      𝔽pk = ( 𝔽p )Fk .

Proof. Let 𝔽 be a finite field. Let

be the characteristic of 𝔽. If φ:𝔽 is the ring homomorphism determined by φ(1) =1 then imφ is a finite integral domain. So imφ is a field, and hence, kerφ is a maximal ideal in . So p is prime.

The field 𝔽 is an extension of 𝔽p. Let

k=[𝔽:𝔽p] .
Then Card(𝔽)=pk and F×=𝔽- {0} is a group of order pk -1. Thus, if α𝔽 and α0 then αpk-1 =1. Thus, if α𝔽 then αpk =α. So
𝔽 {α𝔽 p | αis a root of xpk-x} .
Since 𝔽 has pk elements and the polynomial xpk-x has at most pk roots,
𝔽= {α𝔽 p | αis a root of xpk-x} = ( 𝔽p )Fk .

(a)   Every finite integral domain is a field.
(a)   Every finite division ring is a field.


(a) Let R be a finite integral domain. Let xR, x0. The map
Lx: R R r xr
is a homomorphism of groups (not of rings) and ker Lx={0} since R is an integral domain. So im Lx=R, since R is finite. So there exists rR such that xr=1. So x is invertible.

(b) Let 𝔻 be a finite division ring. Then the center of 𝔻,

Z(𝔻)     is a field,
and, for every x𝔻, the centralizer of x in 𝔻,
Z𝔻(x) ={r𝔻 | rx=xr} is a vector space over Z(𝔻) .
Say Z(𝔻) =𝔽q. Then
Card(𝔻) = Card(Z𝔻(1)) =qn ,for some nZ>0 .
Now 𝔻×= 𝔻-{0} is a group and, if 𝒞x is the conjugacy class of x in 𝔻×, then
𝔻× = qn-1 = Card(Z(𝔻×)) + |𝒞x| >1 Card(𝒞x) = (q-1) + |𝒞x| >1 Card(𝔻×) Card(Z𝔻(x)) -1 = (q-1) + |𝒞x| >1 qn-1 qd(x) -1 ,
where d(x) is the dimension of Z𝔻(x) as a vector space over Z(𝔻). The cyclotomic polynomial Φn(t) divides tn-1 and divides (tn-1)/ (td(t) -1), so
Φn(q)     (an integer)   divides    qn-1   and   qn-1 qd(x) -1 .
So Φn(q) divides q-1. So n=1 and |𝔻×| =q-1. So 𝔻= Z(𝔻).

Notes and References

These notes are taken from notes of Arun Ram from 1999. One nice reference is [Mac, Ch. IV §1] and another is [Bou, Ch. V §12].


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Algebra II, Chapters 4–7 Translated from the 1981 French edition by P. M. Cohn and J. Howie, Reprint of the 1990 English edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003. viii+461 pp. ISBN: 3-540-00706-7. MR1994218

[Mac] I.G. Macdonald, Symmetric functions and Hall polynomials, Second edition, Oxford University Press, 1995. ISBN: 0-19-853489-2 MR1354144

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