
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 9 September 2012


Cofibrations and Fibrations are analogues of exact sequences in Top and Top.

Let ι:AX be a morphism and let YTop.

The morphism ι:AX has the homotopy extension property with respect to Y if ι satisfies:

iff:XY andh:A Hom([0,1],Y) are morphisms such that ifaAthen (h(a))(0)= f(ι(a)) then there existsh: X Hom([0,1],Y) such that ifxXthen (h(x)) (0)=f(x).

h A h Hom([0,1],Y) ι p0 X f Y wherep0(β)= β(0).

A cofibration is a morphism ι:AX such that if mat yTop then ι:AX has the homotopy extension property with respect to Y.

The cofibre of a cofibration ι:AX is Xι(X) and

A ι X p Xι(A)

is the cofibration sequence of ι:AX.

Let f:XY be a morphism.

The mapping cone of f is the pushout Con(f),

X X ι0 CX f Y Con(f) where CX= X×[0,1] (x,t)= (x,1) =

and ι0:XCX is given by ι0(x)=(x,0).

The mapping cylinder of f, or homotopy cofibre of f, is the pushout Cyl(f).

X f Y ι0 X×[0,1] Cyl(f) ,where ι0: X X×[0,1] x (x,0)

Let f:XY be a morphism.

  1. Then f=τj

    f: X j Cyl(f) τ Y x (x,1) y y (x,t) f(x) andτis a homotopy equivalence.

  2. The morphism j:XCyl(f) is a cofibration with cofibration sequence

    X j Cyl(f) Con(f)

Let p:EB be a morphism and let YTop.

The morphism p:EB has the homotopy lifting property with respect to Y if p satisfies:

iff:YEand h:Y×[0,1]B are morphisms such that ifyYthenh (y,0)=p(f(y)) then there existsh:Y× [0,1]Esuch that if(y,t)Y× [0,1]thenh (y,t)=p (h(y,t))

h Y f E ι0 p Y×[0,1] h B where ι0: Y Y×[0,1] y (y,0).

A Hurewicz fibration is a morphism p:EB such that if YTop then p:EB satisfies the homotopy lifting property with respect to Y.

A fibration, or Serre fibration is a morphism p:EB such that,

if YCW then p:EB satisfies the homotopy lifting property with respect to Y.

The fibre of a fibration p:EB is p-1(b0) and

p-1(b0) ι E p B

is the fibration sequence of p:EB.

Let f:XY be a morphism.

The homotopy fibre of f is the pullback Ff,

Ff X f Map([0,1],y) p1 Y where p1: Map([0,1],y) Y β β(1)

The mapping path space of f is the pullback Nf

Nf Map([0,1],y) p1 X f Y where p1: Map([0,1],y) Y β β(1)

Let f:XY be a morphism.

  1. Then f=ρν

    f: X ν Nf ρ Y x (x,Cf(x)) (x,β) β(0) andνis a homotopy equivalence,

    where, something, Cy:[0,1]Y is given by Cy(t)=y.

  2. The morphism ρ:NfY is a fibration with fibre p-1()=Ff and fibration sequence

    Ff Nf ρ Y

HW: For a fibration we almost get an action of π1(B,b0) on the fibre.

Covering spaces and universal covers

A covering space, or cover of B, is a fiber bundle with discrete fibers.

Let B be a path connected space.

A universal cover of B is a covering space EpB such that

  1. E is path connected,
  2. π1(E,e0)=0.

(Universal property) A universal cover EpB satisfies the universal property
if EpB is a cover of B then there exists a unique EhE such that p=hp

E h E p p B idB B

[Benson II, Theorem 1.16.13]. The map

{ conjugacy classes of subgroupsHπ1(B,b0) } { isomorphism classes of coversEpB } H (E,e0)/H

Nerves and classifying spaces

Let 𝒞 be a category.

The nerve of 𝒞 is the simplicial set 𝒩𝒞 given by

𝒩𝒞n= { sequencesM1f1 M2f2 fnMn+1 of morphisms in𝒞 }

The classifying space Bscr;𝒞 of 𝒞 is the topological realization of 𝒩𝒞,


Let G be a discrete group.

The Cayley category 𝒞(G) of G has

objects:gG morphism:{ghhg}= Hom(g,hg)

The category of G has

one object:,and morphisms Hom(,)=G

HW: Show that

𝒩𝒞(G)=EG, 𝒩G=𝒩𝒞(G)/G, 𝒩𝒞(G)/G=Bscr;G<.>

Notes and References

For simplicial sets and the definition of the nerve and classifying space of a category, see [Benson II §1.8]. For the connection between nerves of categories and classifying spaces of groups see [Benson II, §2.4].

Examples of universal central extensions

  1. For n6,7,

    0/2An An1

    is a universal central extension of An (obtained by restricting the central extension

    0/2Spinn-1 ()SOn-11.)

  2. For q2,3,

    0μn(𝔽q) SLn(𝔽q)PS Ln(𝔽q)1

    is the universal central extension of PSLn(𝔽q).

  3. Let n3. Let R be a ring and let En(R) be the subgroup of GLn(R) generated by the elementary matrices xij(v).

    The Steinberg group Stn(R) is given by generators xij(r) for


    with relations

    xij(r1) xih(r2)= xij(r1+r2) [ xij(r1), xjk(r2) ] =xik (r1r2), forik [ xij(r1), xkl(r2) ] =1,forjk andil.

    Then, for n5,

    1K2(u,R) Stn(R)En (R)1

    is a universal central extension of En(R).

    The Milnor K–group is

    K2(R)= limK2 (n,R).

Notes and References

These examples of universal central extensions are taken from [Weibel, §6.9].

Examples of universal covers and principal bundles

  1. S1 is a universal cover with π1(S1,s0) =
  2. SnPn is a universal cover with π1(S1×S1,x0) =/2
  3. R2S1×S1 is a universal cover with π1 ( S1×S1,x0 ) =×
  4. SnPn is a principal /2–bundle. ( /2=O(1)= O1() )
  5. SP is a universal principal /2–bundle.
  6. S1 is a universal principal –bundle.
  7. 02πi exp×1 is a universal principal –bundle.
  8. S2n+1Pn is a principal S1–bundle. (S1=U(1))
  9. SP is a universal principal S1–bundle.
  10. Let Vk(n)= { orhonormalk–frames inn } be the Stiefel manifold, and

    Gk(n)= { kdimensional subspaces inn } the

    Grassmannian of k–planes in n.

    Vk(n) Grk(n) is a principalO(k)–bundle.

  11. Vk() Gk() is a universal principalO(k)–bundle.
  12. Spheres:

    Sn-1is a sphere in n, S2n-1is a sphere in n, S4n-1is a sphere in n,


    SO(n-1) SO(n) Sn-1 is a principal SO(n-1) bundle, U(n-1) U(n) S2n-1 is a principal U(n-1) bundle, SU(n-1) SU(n) S2n-1 is a principal SU(n-1) bundle, Sp(n-1) Sp(n) S4n-1 is a principal Sp(n-1) bundle,

    where in each case the map is given by

    AAenwhere en= (0,0,,0,1) inn,n orn.

  13. Hopf fibrations Let 𝕆 be the division ring of octonions.

    P1=S1, P1=S2, P1=S4, 𝕆P1=S8

    and the n=2 case of the principal bundles in () are

    ( S1S1=P1 ) = ( U1() SO(2) P1 ) ( S3S2=P1 ) = ( U1() SU(2) P1 ) ( S7S4=P1 ) = ( U1() SU2() P1 ) ( S15S8=𝕆P1 ) = ( U1(𝕆) SU2(𝕆) 𝕆P1 )

    where the map is vspan(v) in each case.

  14. Projective Spaces

    O(n-1) SO(n) Pn-1 U(n-1) SU(n) Pn-1

    are principal bundles.

  15. Grassmannians: The Grassmannian of k–dimensional subspaces of n is

    Gk(n)= { kdimensional subspaces ofn } .

    The sequences

    O(k)×O(n-k) O(n) Gk(n) U(k)×U(n-k) U(n) Gk(n) Sp(k)×Sp(n-k) Sp(n) Gk(n)

    are principal bundles.

  16. The Steifel manifold is

    Vk(n)= { orthonormalk–frames inn } .

    The sequence

    O(n-k)O(n) Vk(n)

    is a principal bundle.

  17. S1S1 zzn is a principal /n bundle.
  18. Let S be a Riemann surface of genus g.

    Assume g0.

    Then π1(S) is presented by generators

    a1,,ag, b1,,bg

    with relations

    [a1,b1] [a2,b2] [ag,bg] =1.


    S is a universal principal bundle for π1(S),

    where is the hyperbolic plane.

  19. Let G be a connected Lie group, K a maximal compact subgroup.

    If Γ is a discrete torsion free subgroup of G then

    GKΓ GK is a universal principal Γ–bundle.

  20. let G=SLn() and K=SOn().

    For N3,

    Γ(N)= { γSLn() γ=1modN }

    is a discrete torsion free subgroup of SLn(). So

    SLn() SOn() Γ(N) SLn() SOn() is a principal Γ(N)–bundle.

Notes and References

These examples of covering spaces and principal bundles are taken from [Benson II, p21, 32, 36 and 41], [Weibel, p205], [McCleary p208] and [Bröcker-tomDieck p36-38].

Notes and References

Basic Theory of cobfibrations and fibrations is found in [May, Chapt. 6-8], [Benson, ], [McClearly, p96 and p112] and [Weibel, p127].

The theorem that a fibre bundle is a Serre fibration is found in [Benson II, Theorem 1.6.11].

[May] J.P. May, A concise course in Algebraic Topology, ????.


Let XX×X be the diagonal map. x(x,x)


X ν PX ρ X×X γ (γ(0),γ(1)) x Cx where PX=Map([0,1],X) Cx: [0,1] X t x

with ν a homotopy equivalence and ρ a fibration.

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