The double affine linear groups, affine linear groups and Heisenberg groups

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 29 November 2011

The double affine group

The double affine group is DGL() = { gGL+2 () 12 | 12 g= ( 1 λ z 0 g μ 0 0 1 ) } Let Xμ = ( 1 0 0 0 1 μ 0 0 1 ) , Yλ = ( 1 λ 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ) , qz = ( 1 0 z 0 1 0 0 0 1 ) , g = ( 1 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 1 ) , for μ,λ , z and g GL() .

The double affine group DGL() is presented by generators Xμ, Yλ, qz, g ( μ,λ , z, g, GL() ) with relations qz Z(DGL ()), Xμ Xν = Xμ+ν, Yλ Yσ = Yλ+σ, g Xμ g-1 = Xg μ , g Yμ g-1 = Yλ g-1 , and Yλ Xμ = q(λ|μ) Xμ Yλ . where (λ|μ) = λ1μ1++ λμ, if λ=(λ1, ,λ) and μ=(μ1, ,μ).

Let 𝔥* = { ( 0 T μ T 0 ) 12 | 12 μ } , Λ0 = ( 0 0 1 ) , δ = ( 1 0 0 ) , so that 𝔥* =δ 𝔥* Λ0 +2. Let m. The level m action of DGL() is the

DGL() -action on 𝔥m*= { ( a T ν T m ) 12 | 12 ν , a } (lvlm)
given by matrix multiplication: ( 1 λ z 0 g μ 0 0 1 ) ( a T ν T m ) = ( a+(λ|ν) +mz T gν+mμ T m ) . Note that 𝔥m* is not a DGL()-module, but a set with a DGL()-action.

The subspace δ is a trivial DGL()-module of 𝔥*, and the affine linear group (see [Bou, Alg. Ch. II §9.4] AGL() = { gGL+1 () 12 | 12 g= ( g μ 0 1 ) } acts on 𝔥* /δ by matrix multiplication.

The Heisenberg group

The Heisenberg group is (see [KP, §3.1]) N = 𝔥* × 𝔥* × = { (α,β,t) | α 𝔥* , β 𝔥* , t } with product given by (α,β,t) (α,β, t) = (α+α, β+β, t+t +12 ((α|β) -(α|β) ) ) . The Heisenberg group is a subgroup of the group DGL() by (α,β,t) = ( 1 -α t-12 (α|β) 0 1 β 0 0 1 ) Identify 𝔥 with a subgroup of N by setting tβ= (β,β,0) , for β 𝔥 . (WHERE WAS 𝔥 DEFINED? WHAT ABOUT 𝔥* ? SHOULD ONE OF THE TWO 𝔥* IN THE DEFINITION OF THE HEISENBERG GROUP BE 𝔥 ) It follows from (lvlm) that if λ=aδ +λ +mΛ0 then

tβλ = ( a-(β| λ) -m2 (β|β) )δ +λ+mβ +mΛ0 = λ+mβ- (λ +12 mβ |β)δ. (lvlmtr)

Affine linear functions

Let V be a vector space over 𝔽.

For vV, the translation in v is the function tv: V V x v+x. Define V1 = {v+δV𝔽δ  |  vV}, a hyperplane in the vector space V𝔽δ.

Let V and W be vector spaces over 𝔽.

An affine linear function from V to W is a function f:V1W1 such that there exists a linear transformation Df:VW with ftv = tDf(v)f. If f(0) denotes f(0+δ) then f(v+δ) = Df(v) + f(0)+δ. Let F= {f:V1W1  |  f  is affine linear }. Let m=dim(V),  n=dim(W) and choose bases {v1,...,vm} and {w1,...,wn} of V and W respectively, to identify Hom(V,W) Mm,n(𝔽). The function F Hom(V,W)W Mm+1,n+1(𝔽) f (Df,f(0)) Df 0 f(0) 1 (*) is an isomorphism of vector spaces such that f(v+δ) = Df(v) + f(0)+δ = v 1 Df 0 f(0) 1

Affine reflections

Let β:V11 be affine linear so that β=α+kδ, with   αV*   and   k (i.e. Dβ=α and β(0)=k and β(λ_+δ) = α(λ_) + k+δ ).

Define sα+kδ: V1V1 by sα+kδ(λ_+δ) = sα(λ_)-kα+δ so that Dsα+kδ = sα and sα+kδ(0) = -β(0) (Dβ) = -kα where α = 2 α,α α and sα(λ_) = λ_-α,λ_α. In terms of matrices via (*) sα 0 -kα 1

Notes and References

This realization of the double affine group provides a convenient formalism for working with isometries of Euclidean space, affine Weyl groups, and Heisenberg groups. The notation has been chosen to coincide with certain notations in [Kac], in order to help the reader make the connections to the theory of Kac-Moody Lie algebras. In particular, the formula (lvlmtr) is the, sometimes mysteriously introduced, formula for the level m action of a translation.

Affine linear functions are treated in [Bou, Alg Ch.II §9.4].


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, Algebra, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989. MR?????

[KP] V. Kac and D. Peterson, Infinite dimensional Lie algebras, theta functions and modular forms, Advances in Math. 53 (1984), 125-264, MR0750341

[Kac] V. Kac, Infinite dimensional Lie algebras, Third edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990. xxii+400pp. ISBN: 0-521-37215-1; 0-521-46693-8, MR1104219

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