The Borel-Weil-Bott theorem

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 5 May 2011

Simple T-modules and simple B-modules

In the context of Chevalley groups the data is
G is generated by xα(c), x-α(c), hλ(d) | B is generated by xα(c), hλ(d) | T is generated by hλ(d)
for αR+, λ 𝔥, c𝔽, d𝔽×, which satisfy the relations in (put this in). This data comes from
W0, a -reflection group acting on
𝔥, a -lattice,
R+, an index set for the reflections in W0.
𝔥* = Hom(𝔥) = {μ:𝔥 | μis -linear} .
The set 𝔥* is an index set for the simple T-modules μ=span {vμ} corresponding to the group homomorphisms
Xμ: T × hλ(d) dμ, λ, in other words tvμ= Xμ(t)vμ hλ(d) vμ = dμ, λ vμ,
where μ, λ=μ( λ). So
R(T) = KT(pt) =span{Xμ | μ𝔥*} with XμXν = Xμ+ν .
The set 𝔥* is also an index set for the simple B-modules μ=span {vμ} corresponding to the group homomorphisms
Xμ: T × hλ(d) dμ, λ xα(c) 1, so that bvμ= Xμ(b)vμ hλ(d) vμ = dμ, λ vμ, xα(c) vμ =vμ.
R(B) = KB(pt) = R(T) = KT(pt) =span{Xμ | μ𝔥*} with XμXν = Xμ+ν .

The SL2-case

The group G=SL2 is generated by
xα1 (c) = ( 1c 01 ), x-α1 (c) = ( 10 c1 ), hα1 (d) = ( d0 0-d- ),
and GBT is
SL2 {( dc 0d-1 )} {( d0 0d-1 )} .
W0 ={1, sα1} and 𝔥 = -span {α1 } and 𝔥* ={ω1}, where ω1, α1.
The irreducible B-modules are k =span{vk} corresponding to
Xμ: B × hα (d) dk = dkω1, α1 ( d0 0d-1 ) dk ( 1c 01 ) 1, so that ( dc 0d-1 ) vμ= dkvμ.
for k 𝔥*. So
R(T) =span{Xk | k}, with XkX = Xk+,
R(T) = R(B) =[X, X-1] .

Hermann Weyl's theorem

The irreducible integrable G-modules L(μ) are indexed by

μ𝔥* such that μ,α 0, for αR+.
As a B-module, L(μ) has a unique simple submodule μ, and is characterised by this simple submodule, i.e. there is a unique (up to multiplication by a constant) vector vμL(μ) such that
xα(c) vμ =vμ and hλ (d)vμ = dμ, λ vμ.

Example. In the SL2 case, the μ𝔥* with μ,α1 0 are μ=kω1 , for k0 . So the irreducible SL2-modules are

L(k) =L(kω1) , for k0 ,
and L(k) contains vk with
( 1c 01 ) vk = vk and ( d0 0d-1 ) vk = dk vk .

The G-modules H0( G/B,μ)

Let G be a group. Let B be a subgroup of G and let μ =-span{vμ} be a one dimensional B-module. The line bundle μ is

G×Bμ G/B (g,cvμ) gB     where   G×Bμ = G× (gb,cvμ) = (g,cbvμ)
The vector space of global sections of μ is
H0( G/B,μ) = { G×Bμ s G/B | ps=idG/B }
H0( G/B,μ) { f:G | f(gb) = f(g) Xμ (b-1) for gG, bB } (coind)
s(gB) =(g,f(g) vμ) (stof)

Note: (g, f(g)vμ) = s(gB) = s(gbB) = (gb, f(gb)vμ) = (g, f(gb)bvμ) = (g, f(gb) Xμ(b)vμ) .

The group G acts on H0( G/B,μ) by
(gf)(h) = f(g-1h) . (Gact)

Note: (gf)(hb) = f(g-1hb) = f(g-1h) Xμ( b-1) = (gf)(h) Xμ( b-1) .

(Borel-Weil-Bott) As G-modules

H0( G/B,μ) { L(w0μ), if w0μ, α 0 for αR+, 0, otherwise.

The formulation of H0( G/B,μ) in (coind) realises H0( G/B,μ) as the coinduction from B to G of a simple B-module. The Borel-Weil-Bott theorem makes the (remarkable) observation that coinduction from B to G of a simple B-module produces a simple G-module or 0.

The proof of the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem is quite simple: The left hand side is an integrable G-module which can be identified, by Weyl's theorem, by determining its highest weight vectors. It turns out that, if H0( G/B,μ) is nonzero, the constant function f is its unique highest weight vector. The details of this identification are below in ????.

Example SL2

G/B = {B} { xα1(c) nα1 -1B | c} = {x-α1 (d) B | d} } { nα1 -1B } 1 ,
(PUT A PICTURE HERE TO ILLUSTRATE THIS??? see The Borel-Weil-Bott theorem) since
xα1(c) nα1 -1B = ( c-1 10 ) B = ( c-1 10 ) ( c-1 1 0c ) B = ( 10 c-11 ) B = x-α1 (c-1) B .
The functions f:G such that
f(gb) = f(g) Xμ (b-1) for gG, bB ,
are determined by their values on coset representatives for G/B. Let
g1(c) = f ( c-1 1 0c ) and g2(d) = f ( 10 d1 ) .
Then (if we want polynomial functions) g1 [c] and g2 [d] and
g2(c-1) = g1(c) Xμ ( c1 0c-1 ) = g1(c) ck .
Example: If k=-7, g1=c5 and g2=d2 then
g2(c-1) = c-2 = c5c-7 = g1(c)ck .
Letting g2(d) = a0+ a1d ++ ad , then g1(c) =c-k g2(c-1) is an element of [c] exactly when k0 and -k. Thus
H0 (G/B,k) { span{1,c, c2,, c-k}, ifk 0, 0, ifk >0.

The proof of the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem for SL2: Suppose f H0 (G/B,k) is given by

f ( c-1 10 ) =c .
( d0 0d-1 ) f = d-k-2 f and ( 1a 01 ) f = j-0 ( j ) (-a) -j fj . (act)
so that f0 is the unique B-submodule in H0 (G/B,k) . Since
( d0 0d-1 ) f0 = d-k-2 f0, it follows that H0 (G/B,k) { L(-k), ifk 0, 0, ifk >0. ,
which completes the proof.

The identities in (act) are justified by the computations

( ( d0 0d-1 ) f ) ( c-1 10 ) = f ( ( d-10 0d ) ( c-1 10 ) ) = f ( ( cd-2 -1 10 ) ( d-10 0d ) ) = (cd-2) d-k = d-k-2 f ( c-1 10 )
( ( 1a 01 ) f ) ( c-1 10 ) = f ( ( 1-a 01 ) ( c-1 10 ) ) = f ( c-a-1 10 ) = (c-a) = j-0 ( j ) (-a) -j cj = ( j-0 ( j ) (-a) -j fj ) ( c-1 10 ).

Notes and References

These notes follow generally the sketch given in Segal??? [CSM LMS lecture notes]. The general type computation still needs to be put in.


[Bou] N. Bourbaki, General Topology, Springer-Verlag, 1989. MR??????.

[Ru] W. Rudin, Real and complex analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987. MR0924157.

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