Admissible representations

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 21 November 2012


A representation of a group G, or a G-module, is an action of G on a vector space V by automorphisms (invertible linear transformations). A representation of an algebra A, or A-module, is an action of A on a vector space V by endomorphisms (linear transformations). A morphism T:V1 V2 of A-modules is a linear transformation such that T(av) =aT(v), for all aA and vV. An A-module M is simple, or irreducible, if it has no submodules except 0 and itself.

A representation of a topological group G, or a G-module, is an action of G on a topological vector space V by automorphisms (continuous invertible linear transformations) such that the map G×V V (gv) gv is continuous. When dealing with representations of topological groups all submodules are assumed to be closed subspaces.

A *-representation of a *-algebra A is an action of A on a Hilbert space H by bounded operators such that av1, v2 = v1, a*v2 , for all v1,v2 V,aA. A *-representation of A on H is nondegenerate if AV= { av | aA, vV} is dense in V.

A unitary representation of a topological group G, or G-module, is an action of G on a Hilbert space V by automorphisms (unitary continuous invertible linear transformations) such that the action G×VV is a continuous map.

An admissable representation of an idempotented algebra (A,) is an action of A on a vector space V by linear transformations such that

  1. V= e eV,
  2. each eV is finite dimensional.
A representation of an idempotented algebra is smooth if it satisfies (a).

Notes and References

These are from a subsection entitled Representations of Representation Thery notes Chapter 4, Book2003/chap41.17.03.pdf.

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