Moment maps

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 26 March 2014

Notes and References

This is a transcript of Work2007/Bites2007/mmtmpbite10.10.06.tex where the picture of the commutative diagrams is a bit nicer.

What is De Rham cohomology?

Let A be a commutative algebra. The de Rham cohomology of the complex Ωi-1(A) d Ωi(A) d Ωi+1(A) where the p-differential forms of A is Ωp(A)= Λp(Ω1(A)), Ω1(A)= I/I2,I=ker (AAA), and d is the unique antiderivation of degree 1 which extends d: A Ω1(A) x x1-1x and satisfiesd2=0.

Example. If A=𝔽[x1,,xn] then Ω1(A) = A-span{dx1,,dxn} and Ωp(A) = A-span { dxi1dxip | 1i1<i2< <ipn } , with df=i=1n fξdξ and d(f(dxi1dxip)) =dfdxi1dxip, for f𝔽[x1,,xn].

Manifolds. Let X be a manifold. The algebra of differential forms on X is Ω= {sections ofΛp(T(X))*}, with Ω0(X)=𝒪 (X)andΩ1 (X)={vector fields onX}.


Let M be an A-module. A connection on M is an 𝔽-linear map :MMA Ω1(A) such that(fm) =f(m)+m df, for fA, mM. There is a unique extension of to MAΩi-1(A) MAΩi(A) MAΩi+1(A) (1.1) such that (xω)= (x)ω+ (-1)deg(x) xdω,forxM AΩp(A) ,ωΩ (A). The curvature of is R:MMAΩ2 (A)given byR= 10, and is flat if R=0.

If is flat connection on M then then (??) is a complex and the de Rham cohomology of (M,) is the homology of (??).

What is a moment map?

A symplectic manifold is a manifold M with a 2-form ωΩ2(M) such thatdω=0. The form ω induces a map {vector fields} Ω1(M) ξ iξω=ω(ξ,·) A symplectic vector field is a vector field ξ such that d(iξω)=0. There is an exact sequence 0 𝒪(M) {symplectic vector fields} H1(M,) 0 ξ ω(ξ,·) f ξf -df where ξf is the vector field defined by ω(ξf,·)=-df.

Let (M,ω) be a symplectic manifold. Let G be a Lie group acting on M such that ω(gx,gy)=ω (x,y),for gG,mM, x,yTm(M). The action of G induces a map 𝔤 {symplectic vector fields} x ddt(etxm) 𝔤 0 𝒪(M) {symplectic vector fields} H1(M,) 0 A Hamiltonian is a Lie algebra homomorphism H: 𝔤 𝒪(M) x Hx such that 𝔤 H 𝒪(M) {symplectic vector fields} commutes. The moment map is μ: M 𝔤* m μm given byμm(x) =Hx(m).

Favourite example. Let V=n=2n. Then ω=dz1dz1 ++dzndzn, is a symplectic form on V (coming from a Hermitian inner product on V). Then Un acts on V and preserves ω (because it preserves the inner product).

Favourite example. Let P be a parabolic subgroup of G. Then T*(G/P) is a symplectic manifold with ω=dλ,whereλ=??? and Hamiltonian H:𝔤𝒪(T*(G/P)) given by ??????????? Then T*(G/P) G×P𝔭 ??? ??? anddiagram


[GRa0405333] S. Griffeth and A. Ram, Affine Hecke algebras and the Schubert calculus, European J. Combinatorics 25 (2004) 1263-1283, MR2095481, arXiv:0405333.

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